Thursday, March 1, 2012

Recycled Crayons

There are a lot of uses for those broken, tiny crayons floating around the house. One that we do a lot is the melted crayon 'stained glass' craft (in another post) and yesterday we tried making 'new' crayons.

What you need:

muffin tin
broken crayons
We started out by sorting the crayons by color - good activity for little hands!

Next, we took those crayons and made some even smaller and then put them in a smaller muffin tin. (You know, that one that makes the cutest little muffins?) The boys decided to make some multi-colored crayons as well as combining similar colors. It was actually very fun to experiment and see what happened as they melted!

Then we baked them. Bake at 300 degrees for about 10 min. Once they've melted, take them out of the oven and let cool. (They'll be very 'watery' at first - don't be alarmed!) And after the pan is cool to the touch, put in the freezer for about 5-10 min.  After they've settled, they should actually just pop right out of the pan. (I had a sharp knife ready to pry them out, but didn't need it)

Once we popped them out, we had to admire our work before coloring with them. These are cool enough to even put in a jar as a decoration! But my boys are coloring with them instead...

These are great for 'small' hands - I wish I'd have made this when the boys were toddlers!  But they're still enjoying coloring with them. I'm going to try other ways to form them, but this was super easy to do!

Our heritage colors: Swedish, Irish, English/Norwegian/American flag colors

And by the way, the muffin tin cleaned up perfectly - and easily!