Saturday, April 23, 2011

Crayon Shaving Stained Glass Easter Eggs

I've always loved this one. In fact, we have done a crayon shaving stained glass 'something' for just about every holiday since Colin was tiny!

Obviously, this one is for Easter - we used an Egg pattern.

You will need:

2 pieces of black construction paper
wax paper
crayon shavings
iron (and something like a towel, newspaper, etc. to put under the iron)

1. Cut out the pattern and trace it onto both sheets of black paper.
2. Cut the pattern out of the center of the black papers.
3. Use a pencil sharpener or cheese grater to make crayon shavings of various colors.
4. Glue or staple one piece of wax paper to each piece of black paper.
5. Spread the crayon shavings on one sheet of wax paper. Make sure not to use too much and if you are mixing colors, don't use too many colors in one spot or you will get a big blob when you melt them.
6. Place the other wax paper/black paper on top and carefully iron on the wax paper to melt the crayons.  Don't leave the iron in one place too long or it will blob. 
7. You can glue or staple the edges of the black frame together if you choose to once they are cool.
8. Attach a piece of yarn or string to the top and hang in the window!

The crayon shavings

The boys adding the shavings to the wax paper

The finished product
A dark picture of the boys, some jelly beans, Kitty, and the Egg pictures

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