Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Rice Krispie Apples

These treats are awesome! I made a bunch for my son's class during their apple unit and apparently, they were a hit!


1 10 oz bag of marshmallows
4 tablespoons butter
1 small box of cherry (or strawberry) Jell-o
red food coloring
6 cups rice krispies cereal
tootsie rolls
green gum drop candies
non-stick spray for your hands
wax paper


*  Melt butter and marshmallows in pan - stirring constantly
*  Once melted, add package of Jell-O and food coloring to desired redness
*  Once the Jell-O, marshmallows and butter are mixed well, add cereal (I combined all in a separate plastic bowl)
*  Combine until the cereal is well coated
*  When slightly cooled, spray hands with non-stick cooking spray and mix ingredients well and then begin to form into apple-shaped balls
*  Slightly indent the top for the tootsie roll 'stem'
*  Stick half of a green gumdrop next to the tootsie roll  (cut the gum drops in half)

I went back and formed each apple a little more to make sure they retained their apple shape.

For us, one batch made about 18-20 apples (on the smaller side...but perfect for kids)

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