Sunday, March 6, 2011

Everyday Essential Oils Spray Cleaner

As anyone with children knows, cleaning is a never ending process.  I truly feel like it's all I do! And if you use traditional cleaners with all those chemicals it's really not that good for anyone either.

I have to give credit to Aunt Karen for this one. One Christmas a few years ago, she gave all of us cute little bottles of essential oils spray cleaner.. I don't think I've used anything else since...It works on absolutely EVERYTHING (and smells great, too!)

Her recipe may have been different but this is what I typically use now:

Everyday Essential Oils Spray Cleaner:

1 empty spray bottle (I like to recycle like an old glass cleaner bottle)
fill the bottle about 2 inches from the top with water
add a few drops of natural dish soap
add a cap full of vodka
10-15 drops each lemon, lavender, and eucalyptus oils
(Sometimes I'll add rosemary, grapefruit, or orange to change things up)

Shake it up and spray away!

I use it, seriously, everywhere. I clean my counters, kitchen, bathroom, windows, laminate flooring, ceramic tile, and more.

Sometimes, I put the ingredients in a bowl and use it to clean my floors. The house sure smells wonderful afterwards!

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