Monday, March 14, 2011

Toothpaste - it's not just for teeth

Permanent Marker Removal

Unfortunately, we live in a small house so craft time is at the kitchen/dining room table. Gavin was coloring a picture one day (boy, it was beautiful). Oops! He was using permanent maker and it soaked through the paper all over our table!  How on earth do you get permanent marker out of wood? I tried numerous things to no avail. Then I did what every resourceful mother does and googled my problem.  Whoo hoo! I found an answer. A little unexpected, I'd say. But here it is: toothpaste!

I simply squirted toothpaste on the marker.
Took a rag and gently scrubbed.
Amazing! The toothpaste took the marker right off!

Zit Cream

Another use of toothpaste that I found back in high school -- big zits. If you have a pimple that is unresponsive to any other anti-acne cream, put a dab of toothpaste on before bed (I know, not very attractive) but by morning, the pimple should be ready to pop or dried out.  

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